RFP Issued for Outpatient/Ambulatory Services....
Macomb County CMH, Office of Substance Abuse, has issued a Request for Proposals for outpatient/ambulatory services. Please feel free to share as appropriate.
The RFP and all documents pertaining to the RFP can be found here https://mcosa.net/documents.php?category_nb=61 under the "Documents" tab. The information can also be found on the CMH website, www.mccmh.net , under the "Provider Links"
A virtual pre-bid meeting will be held on December 1, 2020 at 9:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss with prospective bidders the work to be performed and to discuss questions that arise from reviewing this RFP.
To participate in the Pre-Bid meeting, please use the following link. https://mccmh-net.zoom.us/j/93716486556?pwd=aGQ1K3NNZjl5WnZIQ0NDRmNuTjR6QT09
Meeting ID: 937 1648 6556
Passcode: 258137
Phone: 877 853 5257
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