The following are local resources or hotlines related to items identified on the Communicable
Disease Risk Assessment. The check marked resources can provide you with further information and
services based on the results of your risk assessment.
Macomb County Health Department HIV/AIDS
Counseling & Testing |
(586) 465-8434 |
Health Emergency Lifeline Programs (HELP) |
(888) 435-5655 |
AIDS Partnership Michigan |
(800) 872-2437 or
(313) 446-9800 |
CDC National Information |
(800) 342-2437 |
CDC National Info En Espanol |
(800) 344-7432 |
Hepatitis C Toll Free Support Hotline |
(866) 437-4377 |
Hepatitis Foundation |
(800) 891-0707 |
STDs |
Macomb County Health Department STD Program |
(586) 465-9217 |
National Sexually Transmitted Disease Hotline |
(800) 227-8922 |
Macomb County Health Department - TB Control |
(586) 469-5421 |
Macomb County Health Department - Mt. Clemens |
(586) 469-5372 |
Macomb County Health Department - St. Clair Shores |
(586) 466-6800 |
Macomb County Health Department - Warren |
(586) 465-8537 |
Macomb County Public Health Hotline |
(586) 466-7923 |
Neighbors Caring for Neighbors (no/low cost medical) |
(586) 469-3750 |
Medicaid Health Plans |
Great Lakes Health Plan |
(800) 903-5253 |
Health Plan of MI |
(888) 437-0606 |
Midwest Health Plan |
(888) 654-2200 |
Molina Healthcare of MI |
(888) 898-7969 |
Total Health Care |
(800) 826-2862 |
Adult Benefit Waiver |
County Health Physician |
(866) 622-6620 |