Many myths are associated with Hookah making people believe it is a safer choice than cigarette smoking because the water in the hookah pipe cleans the tar and carcinogens BUT that is NOT the truth!
Did you know...
*A typical 1-hour long Hookah smoking session involves inhaling the equivalent of 100-200 times the volume of smoke inhaled with a single cigarette according to the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services and the Arab-American Chaldean Council.
*Hookah tobacco is often flavored or sweetened making it very appealing to younger people, even people who would not otherwise consider smoking.
*Purchasing the flavored tobacco used in Hookah pipes is illegal for individuals under the age of 18.
*Hookah smoke contains nicotine, tar and heavy metals in alarming quantities. In some cases, exceeding regular cigarette smoke.
*The secondhand smoke from the Hookah is potentially dangerous because it contains smoke from the tobacco itself as well as the smoke source used to burn the tobacco, according to the American Lung Association.
*Information provided by:
Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services
Arab-American Chaldean Council
The World Health Organization
American Lung Association
Hookah PowerPoint